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Symud Selog

4.4 ( 4304 ratings )
اللياقة الصحية & التعليم
المطور: Sbectol Cyf

Rhigymau Cymraeg a geirfa natur i gefnogi symud yn yr awyr agored. Adnodd gwych i gadw’n heini gyda’r teulu, ffrindiau, a’r gymuned.

Mae gweithgareddau awyr agored yn bwysig i’r teulu oll, yn enwedig i ffitrwydd plant a’u gwerthfawrogiad o fyd natur. Mae’r rhigymau a’r eirfa yn cefnogi chwarae pêl, sgipio, a gweithgareddau yn yr awyr agored. Gall rhieni di-Gymraeg ddefnyddio’r ap er mwyn rhoi’r cyfle gorau i’w plentyn fod yn ddwyieithog / amlieithog. Mae’r ap yn addas i ysgolion a grwpiau cymunedol hefyd.

Fitness rhymes and nature words. A great resource to support non-Welsh speakers in outdoor activities with families, friends, and the community.

Outdoor activities are valuable for the whole family especially for children’s fitness and appreciation of nature. The Welsh rhymes and words (with English translation provided) support ball or skipping games and open air activities. Non-Welsh speaking parents can use this app to boost their children’s opportunity to become bilingual / multi-lingual. Schools and community groups worldwide will also have fun with the app - try learning to clap out ‘Llan-fair-pwll-gwyn-gyll-go-ger-y-chwyrn-dro-bwll-llan-ty-sil-io-go-go-goch’!